Friday, April 17, 2009

Mini ShodhYatra (Surendranagar)

You may be interested in joining this Mini ShodhYatra...


From Vachhraj Bet Zinzuwada (Desert) To Kharaghoda, Surendranagar
District, Gujarat

Date: 11/5/09 to14/5/2009

Organizing Institutes: Sristi and Ganatar

Aims of the Shodhyatra:
(1) To ponder over the alternatives to improve the socio-economic conditions of the salt-workers working with hardship in extreme conditions
(2) To understand the lifestyle of the salt farmers and their struggle.
(3) To consider various health issues of the laborers working in salt-pan and to study the feasibility of improving their life
(4) To know and learn about the methods of salt production and to study the feasibility of industries that can be based on salt production.
(5) To document the traditional wisdom and knowledge of locals and strive to see if any value can be added to it
(6) To identify and reward the traditional knowledge holders and new researches.
(7) To built a check dam of knowledge by organizing plant food competitions, knowledge garden, (herbal plantation), and detailed village knowledge registers.
(8) To spread awareness among the local women folk about the nutritional value of less used food items and grains and also about the various food preservation techniques by organising food recipe diversity competitions.
(9) To evaluate if any knowledge based enterprises can be set up by documenting knowledge about the diversities of the plant world of desert areas and its preservation
(10) To learn about the struggle of the life of village people without water, during the years of famine especially in dry areas.
(11) To organise discussions to seek solutions of local problems, and also to include new socially relevant topics in the syllabus of primary education textbooks.

The Yatra has been organised considering the above objectives and to achieve the same your active participation is solicited. We believe that such a tour will be a landmark for all similar forthcoming activities.

Fo more detail and registration process please visit:

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