Saturday, June 21, 2008

HAMFEST India-2008, Gandhinagar

HAMFEST INDIA is a Festival of Hams conducted every year in different Cities and towns across India for the last 12 years to promote HAM RADIO AWARENESS as well as the new technological skills in the field of Communications. Gujarat Institute of Amateur Radio (GIAR), Gujarat is going to host HAMFEST India-2008. HAMFEST India-08 is scheduled to be organize on 11th and 12th October . Venue : Town hall, Gandhinagar

For more details please read the following notification:
Invitation for articles/ advertisement in the souvenir for HAMFESTINDIA-2008.

We feel immense pleasure and honor to inform you that the Gujarat Institute of Amateur Radio (GIAR), Gujarat is again honored to be host for HAMFESTINDIA-2008. HamfestIndia-08 is scheduled to held on 11th & 12th of October, 08 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. On this occasion we will be releasing a Souvenir highlighting the importance of HAM activity and attempt of different clubs in promoting it. It is worth mentioning that this institute is a dynamic setup though recently constituted and your good wishes and a few words will give a fillip to this institute and the event. The rates for advertisement in the souvenir are as under.
Hams are requested to send their articles for the souvenir before 10th September, 08. Committee will scrutinize all the articles received and will make selection for printing. Hams are also invited for their presentations during technical sessions of the meet, for this they should send the subject, details and time slot and their requirement of gazettes for the session.
This time GIAR is planning to held parallel sessions especially for XYLs and harmonics. Event manager will take care in a very special manner for the entertainment of the group who is not interested in technical sessions.
All the VU Hams are requested to send their suggestions to make the HAMFESTINDIA-2008 successful and memorable.

Souvenir Information and Advertising Tariff

Size: A4 Number of Pages: 100(Approx.)
Advertisement Rates:
1. Front Inside cover : Rs.25000/- (3Colour)
2. Back Inside cover : Rs.22000/- (3Colour)
3. Back Outside cover : Rs.20000/- (3Colour)
4. Full Page : Rs.5000/- (Black & white)
5. Half Page : Rs.2500/- (Black & white)

( DD in favor of " HFI-2008 " payable at Gandhinagar, Gujarat)

Anticipating positive response, thanking you, best 73s to all of you
E. Radhakrishna
Convener for HFI-08
& Vice Chairman, GIAR

Source website :

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